Sunday, April 12, 2020

Animals - I am wondering where the humans are… - Part 2

I slowly came out of my hideout...

There was a loud scream and a fear engulfed the face of my informer and the Forest Ranger who had come to deliver food for him. Both of them, in their service here, had never seen a tiger so close. They only heard people tell that they saw a tiger here or there, some showed them photos and they would always think they would see us someday. Today, they saw me. And, as I walked towards them, they froze.

I smiled to myself and thought why don't they whistle or call me, “Hey!” or mimic my growls, “Grrrrrr!” I knew they were praying to all the gods they were aware of- some forgotten and some misspelt. I just sat in front of them and ordered them to sit down with a gesture of my large head. Instantly, they collapsed on their bums on to the black tar road and sat like school children in front of a Headmaster.

They were sweating profusely and I knew- some more time in front of me, one is sure to collapse and reach the heavenly abode. I cleared my throat and asked them what is happening. “I overheard you say that there is Coronavirus, which is hurting humans and you are now locked in the house. Nobody can roam around freely and talk freely to people around you.” I made my voice stronger and urged him to tell me what is happening and I needed to know since I have to protect my wild world from the fragile humans now.

Both of them were surprised to see me speak to them and slowly they stared eye to eye with me for the first time. I read two things in their eye contact- firstly, they were awestruck with my beauty and they realised how large and powerful I was. To ease the situation, I firstly thanked my informer that he has been of great help to us as his phone conversations on what is going on the in the forest helped us to reorganise and be careful. They were also aware of who died in the forest and where. The uniformed guys have the information and they are so thrilled to talk about it. Anyways my point was clear I want to know what is happening now.

Slowly my informer murmured, but his throat was choked and dry. Words were not coming and it was only sound of air. I gave him a stern look and a small growl and then he started to talk. He told me that there was a Coronavirus, which has been infected from bats. And that it is affecting the respiratory system of the human species and once affected, they will have to recover quickly or will become fatal if undetected or untreated. I told them that they have medicines for all their diseases, they don’t have any treatment for most of our diseases and they either let us die or kill us. He had no answer. I let it be. Then, he told me that the only way to eradicate was to isolate the person from any kind of contact with others, like, sometimes when they find any animal sick in the forest they sedate and give treatment by isolating from the forest.

I asked him what the remedy is, He gave me a series of things that humans have to do and not do. I enquired when they would come and see others and me. He replied that for the next two months the gates would be closed. I heaved a sigh of relief and immediately informed with my growl (a language only known to us). I could find a whole lot of activity amongst the birds and the different animals began screeching, howling, humming, buzzing, bleating, grunting, meowing, hissing, belling, screaming, trumpeting, barking and chirping. Of course, they are now free to roam around. And, the word spread like a wildfire and for the first time, I saw the whole forest coming to life. All the animals danced with joy and sprang on the grass, stretched, the monkeys roped from tree to tree, the deers hopped higher and higher, the Nilgai were grunting. After a long time, I felt there was clear air, freedom to roam and laze at will. My joy knew no bounds.

I glanced to see my informer and the Forest Ranger. They were still in a state of shock. I knew for the next two months, our animal kingdom could be free. As I was about to leave, I wanted to check on the status of Gajraj and Lakshmi and if they are going to be chained or freed. He was blank wondering how I know everything. I told him that I was born there, played there, hunted there and I take care of the forest.

You are a visitor here, be like a visitor. Do not overpower us. See, a species like a bat so small has closed all your doors. Even in the past, the animals, birds and insects have all caused discomfort. Do not destroy forests, cut trees and build bridges, roads for your comfort. Neither can we live in the city with you nor can you live in the forest with us. You want comforts. We need none. Allow us to stay in peace we will allow you to stay in peace.”

Also, I wanted to tell you that the latest white-tailed eagles returned to Southern Britain after 240 years. White-tailed eagles are gracing the skies of Southern Britain for the first time in 240 years after six eaglets were released on the Isle of Wight. You guys thought they became extinct.

There are so many stories that my brethren will share from other forests. And, you better know that we are happy now.

Shivaram S Vinjamuri
Corporate Coach and Wildlife Enthusiast