Monday, May 2, 2016

Can you give credit - Thats my contribution

The advancement of communication has lead to some good and some irks.  Wondering to my reference: its very simple today almost all the techno buffs and so called socially connected and want to be connected, wannabe connected all have access to a lot of information.  One such is the smartphone idiocy my favourite sentence when I speak to people at times is that " these smart phones have made us a bit of idiots".

Yeah travelling back to what I want to say is that now lets see what we have as a mode to reach to the oodles we have Television, Newspaper, Professionally Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Telegram Etc. Every person who is in communication to the masses is using one of these handles. Don't jump the gun I have nothing against any of these companies or the softwares or the mode. I have  a whole lot of disconnect with the people taking credit for which they are not:-

1. Their intelligent level is not so high yet they share  some information without giving credit
2. They share a statement as if it is their own original thought common I know their levels of intelligence
3. They share a pic or a quote which is not their own but no credit I am sure others who read it know too well whose it is

The list of irks can go on and on.  I am not against sharing I am only protesting that when you want to share, please share with the credits to the person who has quoted or written that.  By all means with due respects to your intelligence you may not be qualified to say or write yet you are qualified to share the quote, share and talk about it only after you have given credit to the origins from where it has been evolved , it can be either a thought, quote, Pic, article , what ever it is.

I am sure all of us know the level of the person sharing such information his way of thinking his thought process, his life style and his past posts in the FB  or his views on aspects and suddenly if shares a thought which is not his first we stop reading and then the very purpose of sharing the quote looses its value.  I am writing this when a recent incident which really annoyed me. Last week I saw a post which was shared by Singing Legend S P Balasubrahmanyam regarding the bottled water and how people are wasting this I am giving you the link here

I saw a lot of people sending this to most of the whatsapp shares.  The irony is that not a single soul did mention the name of the person who wanted this change to happen. Unfortunately the copyright applies here or not is a question to ponder.  Since its a public information which everybody has an access.

Let me also look at it differently most of the time when we talk about sharing I stress that its our basic culture to be adopted to share with credits. The person who has been the ideator has taken pains or felt rational or even emotional to write this.  Due credits should go to him if you want to add any additional information over this please do and share this as your comments or additions to the author.

I  can foresee the future when such small things which are not taken care. The future definitely looks no less rude of making the habit not giving credits but may also end up stealing the others thoughts and owning them.  Then you have some people who occupy some coveted space fraudulently.  I am sure all those with a sense of common sense understand what I say rest I leave it to your INTELLIGENCE

Shivaram S Vinjamuri

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